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Electric Flying Car Takes Off in Dubai: A Great Success,Tech Firm Says of Its Vehicle 20230924 09:45:29 726
What is standing in the way of the flying car?y 20230924 08:49:57 725
Europe's largest store of rare earth metals discovered in Sweden 20230905 01:16:06 709
Nvidia briefly worth $1 trillion thanks to AI boom 20230724 23:58:47 703
Europe largest store of rare earth metals discovered in Sweden 20230724 23:58:47 680
Global Cultured Meat Markets Report – By 2040, a Projected 60% of Meat will be Created from Cells Grown Within Bioreactors and Sold Across Grocery Stores and Restaurants Worldwide 20221203 23:26:16 664
Battery Tech Breakthrough: 10-Minute Charge Time Paves Way for Mass Adoption of Affordable Electric Car 20221203 23:26:16 651
Why Toyota – the world's largest automaker – isn't all-in on electric vehicles 20221203 08:23:10 647
GM, LG Energy Solution looking at Indiana for battery plant 20220820 05:17:20 643
BlackRock makes $700 million investment in Australian battery storage 20220820 05:17:20 642
Gold-To-Silver Ratio Heading Lower: Set-Up Like 1989 To 2003 20220820 05:17:20 641
The Other Electric Vehicle: E-Bikes Gain Ground for Americans Avoiding Gas Cars 19700823 00:53:27 630
How property mogul went from earning more than the PM at 27 to sleeping on a couch - and back again 20220703 06:34:28 620
Nightclub scene in decline in Australia as millennials opt for dating apps, healthier lifestyles 20220619 08:11:44 609
Here it comes: All signs point to Housing Bubble 2.0 amid widening price, income gap 19700823 00:48:36 597
Thailand giving away one million cannabis plants to encourage citizens to grow natural medicine 19700823 00:48:36 596
Economic Theory Begins with Human Action, Not Data Sets 20220501 01:20:41 584
Nippon Paper wants to build batteries from trees 20211218 22:25:04 504
Hyundai unveils a four-wheeled robot that is designed to carry almost ANYTHING - including parcels, babies and trays of drinks 20211218 22:25:04 501
Innovative textile vents to release heat when you sweat 20211218 22:25:04 499
New JELLY ice cubes that never melt and stay cold for 13 hours could revolutionize food shipping: Plastic-free cubes are compostable, anti-microbial and create no run-off to prevent cross-contaminatio 20211201 07:09:05 466
Say cheese! Microscopic camera the size of a grain of SALT is developed that can produce crisp, full-colour images on par with lenses 500,000 times larger 20211201 07:09:05 464
Models of Internet Monetization 20211122 07:56:25 445
Rising Fundamentals Of Gold & Silver 20211111 08:20:41 433
The Set-Up For Gold & Silver Is Historic 20211103 01:04:22 419
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