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Why Hezbollah drone attack has caused such alarm in Israel new Sky news - World
20241015 15:00:35
UK's moral case for control of Chagos Islands had dwindled internationally new Sky news - World
20241015 15:00:35
Analysis: Israeli strike on Iran could help Trump new Sky news - World
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Man rescued after months at sea as relatives 'found dead in the boat' new Sky news - World
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Iran, Russia and North Korea 'changed cyber attack tactics in the last year' new Sky news - World
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Pop star Olivia Rodrigo falls in stage hole during show new Sky news - World
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Moment Olivia Rodrigo falls through hole in stage new Sky news - World
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Moment North Korea blows up road to South Korea new Sky news - World
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Trump jokes about being shot as he meets couple whose son died in Afghanistan new Sky news - World
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Woman who raised $1m for her children dies new Sky news - World
20241015 14:00:17
British woman becomes youngest female to climb the world's 14 highest mountains new Sky news - World
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Inside Cambodia's cyber-scam centres, where workers are victims of human trafficking new France24 - International News
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Blanca Li: Choreographer to the stars new France24 - International News
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Journalist Peter Schwartzstein on the link between climate change and conflict new France24 - International News
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From the nightly news to time zones: An inside look at French time new France24 - International News
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Google teams up with nuclear energy startup to power AI data centres new France24 - International News
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Trump town hall turns into impromptu concert after medical incidents new World - 9News
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Why only 538 people out of 330 million get to decide the US election new World - 9News
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Father told police he killed 10-year-old Sara Sharif, jury hears new World - 9News
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Do not travel warning issued for Israel, Australians told to leave now new World - 9News
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Major retailer issues apology over candles that looked like Ku Klux Klan hoods new World - 9News
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Trump's disturbing pledge to mobilise army against 'enemy within' new World - 9News
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North Korea accused of sending citizens to fight for Russia new World - 9News
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Woman killed by malfunctioning ottoman bed new World - 9News
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'From hell': The man who received a letter from Jack the Ripper himself new World - 9News
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