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Princess Polly to open first New York City store in SoHo new Fashion Network USA
20241107 09:30:02
Primark to open first Texas store new Fashion Network USA
20241107 09:30:02
Grand Canyon Glamping Resort Unveils New Stargazing Domes and Last Chance Restaurant & Saloon new Fashionisers
20241107 08:50:13
Grand Canyon Glamping Resort Unveils New Stargazing Domes and Last Chance Restaurant & Saloon new Fashionisers
20241107 07:00:26
Green Theme Technologies closes $6 million Series C funding round new Fashion Network USA
20241107 03:20:08
The RealReal reports Q3 double digit revenue jump new Fashion Network USA
20241107 03:20:08
Elf Beauty sales to rise as demand for mass market beauty products grow new Fashion Network USA
20241107 03:20:08
Coty sees annual profit at low end of forecast as mass beauty demand slows new Fashion Network USA
20241107 03:20:08
EU regulators investigate if Visa, Mastercard fees harm retailers, document shows new Fashion Network USA
20241107 03:20:08
Canadian apparel retailer Groupe Dynamite hires bankers for IPO new Fashion Network USA
20241107 03:20:08
Messika takes over the Matcha Club in Dubai new Fashion Network USA
20241107 03:20:08
Elf Beauty lifts annual forecasts on resilient cosmetics demand; shares up new Fashion Network USA
20241107 03:20:08
Trinny London launches New York pop-up in Soho new Fashion Network USA
20241107 03:20:08
United States renews calls for Italy to scrap its web tax, sources say new Fashion Network USA
20241107 03:20:08
Inspired Beauty Brands acquires Fix Your Lid new Fashion Network USA
20241107 03:20:08
LVMH’s Watch Week has a new destination: Los Angeles new Fashion Network USA
20241106 21:30:14
ThredUp sales nosedive 11 percent, updates on Europe business divestiture new Fashion Network USA
20241106 21:30:14
Dutch chemicals firm DSM-Firmenich ups 2024 profit forecast on higher vitamin prices new Fashion Network USA
20241106 21:30:14
Puma CEO sees better holiday trading after Q3 sales miss expectations new Fashion Network USA
20241106 21:30:14
The Lowdown on Prada’s Celeb-Favorite It Bag new Elle
20241106 19:30:02
Trans Lawmaker Sarah McBride on the Privilege—and Pressure—of Making Political History new Elle
20241106 19:30:02
Leopard Print Isn’t Going Anywhere (It Never Left) new Elle
20241106 19:30:02
German retailers expect higher revenues this Christmas season, HDE forecasts new Fashion Network USA
20241106 15:50:10
M&S and Wetherspoons face multi-million pound hit from 'double whammy' budget new Fashion Network USA
20241106 15:50:10
Frasers pens open letter to Boohoo, demands shareholder approval before asset sales new Fashion Network USA
20241106 15:50:10
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20241107 09:30:02
20241107 09:30:02
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