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UN chief appeals for peace in eastern DR Congo new VOA News
20250206 21:20:12
Is US state's lawsuit against China over COVID winnable? new VOA News
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Though China might fill aid void left by USAID, its own challenges could limit it new VOA News
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US imposes new sanctions targeting Iran oil exports new VOA News
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House lawmakers push to ban AI app DeepSeek from US government devices new VOA News
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Trump's US trade negotiator pick vows hard-line policies new VOA News
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US service member, 3 contractors die in plane crash in Philippines new VOA News
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The Inside Story: The Trump Transition | 182 new VOA News
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Musk associates sought to use critical Treasury payment system to shut down USAID spending, emails show new CNN
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Trump to sign executive orders targeting ICC and ‘anti-Christian bias’ new CNN
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Gov. Newsom describes meeting with Trump new CNN
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Netanyahu gifted Trump a golden pager during their meeting in Washington new CNN
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Reported Swedish shooter lived as recluse in quiet apartment block new CNN
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Scientists make ‘rare advance’ in tackling the oldest unsolved problem in physics new CNN
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Judge blocks Trump's government buyout ultimatum new UPI
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Trump administration to limit Musk's access to federal pay system following lawsuit new UPI
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Delayed: Senate confirmation vote on Patel for FBI director new UPI
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Expert concerned U.S. not prepared for bird flu spread in humans new UPI
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Alison Sweeney: 'Hannah Swensen' baked goods less tempting on day three new UPI
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Kendrick Lamar's Super Bowl halftime show to 'put rap culture on forefront' new UPI
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Super Bowl halftime shows through the years new UPI
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NFL scraps 'End Racism' message from Super Bowl LIX end zones new UPI
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Marijuana addiction increases risk for premature death, Canadian study finds new UPI
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Bird strike detection systems to be deployed at all S. Korean airports following Jeju Air crash new UPI
20250206 21:10:12
Israeli prime minister, U.S. lawmakers discuss future plans for Gaza, Israel new UPI
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