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How gut bacteria might trigger autoimmune diseases like lupus new medicalXpress
20250206 21:50:04
AI tool converts data into 2D circular images, offering new way to visualize disease new medicalXpress
20250206 21:50:04
Testosterone increases damage following a heart attack, study reveals new medicalXpress
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Exploring the psychological mechanisms behind virtual reality exposure therapy's success new medicalXpress
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Cystic fibrosis alters immune system from early life stages, researchers discover new medicalXpress
20250206 21:50:04
Actor David Tennant has an extra toe. Two anatomists explain what's so fascinating about polydactyly new medicalXpress
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Research highlights urgent need for greater awareness to aid early diagnosis of bone cancers in young people new medicalXpress
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Wildfire-linked ED encounters increased eightfold with onset of LA wildfires new medicalXpress
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FDA approves wearable infusion device for advanced Parkinson disease new medicalXpress
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Is U.S. prepared for bird flu's spread in humans? One expert has concerns new medicalXpress
20250206 21:50:04
Female genital mutilation is a leading cause of death for girls where it's practiced new medicalXpress
20250206 21:50:04
US dodged a bird flu pandemic thanks to eggs and dumb luck—with spread of new strain, will Americans get lucky again? new medicalXpress
20250206 21:50:04
Yo-Yoing Cholesterol Levels Could Signal Bad News for Your Brain Health, Research Shows new Health
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Research unveils synergistic effects of tau and beta-amyloid in Alzheimer's new News Medical
20250206 21:00:06
Fruit fly research uncovers brain signals behind alcohol-induced insomnia new News Medical
20250206 21:00:06
US aid freeze puts HIV treatment in Africa at risk new News Medical
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New brain decoder offers hope for improving communication in aphasia new News Medical
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New method for detecting inflammation could revolutionize disease diagnosis new News Medical
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New study identifies potential drug targets for heart failure new News Medical
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One gram of omega-3 per day may slow down the rate of biological aging new News Medical
20250206 21:00:06
Crowds gather in hope of NHS dental treatment, published at 19:12 new BBC Health
20250206 20:20:02
Islanders encouraged to take time to talk, published at 18:51 new BBC Health
20250206 20:20:02
Director jailed over £100,000 Covid loan fraud, published at 17:59 new BBC Health
20250206 20:20:02
We aborted healthy babies after NHS mistakes, couples tell BBC, published at 17:01 new BBC Health
20250206 20:20:02
Nurse who stole £100k from patients is struck off, published at 16:31 new BBC Health
20250206 20:20:02
Health & medicine Life science
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