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How world newspapers reported Trump election victory new World - 9News
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Four cases of dangerous new mpox variant identified in UK new World - 9News
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The uncontrollable factors that cost Kamala Harris the election new World - 9News
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'Freedom and fairness': Kamala Harris' message after crushing loss new World - 9News
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What Trump's victory means for key world regions new World - 9News
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Agents stunned by discovery in disused missile silo new World - 9News
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Aussie city ranked as second most cost-effective in the world new World - 9News
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Elon Musk's $20 billion win on huge Trump bet new World - 9News
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Senator to become first openly transgender person to serve in congress new World - 9News
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Where Kamala Harris' campaign went wrong new World - 9News
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World leaders congratulate Donald Trump as he wins US election new World - 9News
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'I will not rest': Trump addresses supporters after election win new World - 9News
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First congratulations roll in for Trump's victory new World - 9News
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Will Donald Trump go to jail? It's unlikely, but not impossible new World - 9News
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Stock futures, bitcoin and US dollar surge as election results roll in new World - 9News
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These people made history when they won their seats in US Congress new World - 9News
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Scandal-plagued 'Black Nazi' candidate loses bid for North Carolina governor new World - 9News
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Trump's 'wild allegation' of 'massive cheating' shut down by officials new World - 9News
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Raygun quits competitive breakdancing after Olympic performance mocked new Sky news - World
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Boy, 16, under police guard in hospital after woman dies in crash new World - 9News
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'A big oops': Rudd slammed over Trump tweets new World - 9News
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What we know Trump is going to do now he's back in the White House new World - 9News
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'Happened so fast': Baby and mum killed in Spain's catastrophic flooding new World - 9News
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