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The Left-wing Episcopal church embarrasses itself—again new Natural News
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Shocking analysis: The true US national debt EXCEEDS $158 trillion, not $36 trillion new Natural News
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Taxpayer dollars fueled Politico, NY Times as outlets pushed liberal narratives, records show new Natural News
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Tony Blair pushes for Digital ID system in UK to combat populism, quash dissent and assert control over populations new Natural News
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Green energy’s flammable reality: Blue states discover lithium battery storage risks new Natural News
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Who Discovered the Cause of Down Syndrome? new Scientific American
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Elon Musk Can Find His $2-Trillion Federal Spending Cut in Nuclear Weapons new Scientific American
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Ultra-Precise LiDAR Sees Through Smoke and Camouflage From a Kilometer Away new SciTechDaily
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Octopuses Have a Secret Sex Chromosome – and It’s Older Than Dinosaurs new SciTechDaily
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The Secret Intelligence of Ink: Physicists Solve a Fluid Mechanics Mystery new SciTechDaily
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Mitochondria’s Secret Power Unleashed in the Battle Against Inflammation new SciTechDaily
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Even Brief Exposure to Polluted Air Can Cloud Your Mind and Slow Your Thinking new SciTechDaily
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Could Saturn’s Moon Enceladus Be Hiding Clues to Alien Life? new SciTechDaily
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Britain's dog hotspots: Map reveals the UK areas with the most pooches - so, how does your hometown stack up? new MailOnline - Science
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Boiling lobsters alive DOES cause them excruciating pain, scientists say as they call for immediate ban new MailOnline - Science
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Constipated? Experts say you could be sleeping in the wrong position - here's how to fix it new MailOnline - Science
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Pilot's incredible video footage shows him landing on some of the most dangerous runways in the world - including one with a 30% ... new MailOnline - Science
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Border collies out-sniff some hunting dogs in scientific smell competition new Popular Science
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Why regulating AI is so hard—and necessary new Popular Science
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If your current TV is causing you interference, here’s how to upgrade before the big game new Popular Science
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To get his vote, Senator Bill Cassidy demands Kennedy obey the CDC’s vaccine orthodoxy new Natural News
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