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They once gripped their nation by fear. Now they will never eat meat again, never sleep with a pillow, never see their families ... new CNN
20241107 08:40:15
Germany’s ‘traffic light crisis’ highlighted by firing of finance minister new CNN
20241107 08:40:15
Netanyahu fired his defense minister. What happens next? new CNN
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Equatorial Guinea cracks down on sex in government offices after leaked videos new CNN
20241107 08:40:15
Drone footage shows the staff of Gushi Cliff Coffee dancing on a cliffside bench. new CNN
20241107 08:40:15
There’s a mysterious ‘floating’ Soviet-era city slowly crumbling into the sea new CNN
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9 Compelling reasons to steer clear of gluten new
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HYSSOP: What research reveals about the health benefits of this ancient holy herb new
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Stanley “Godfather of Vaccines” Plotkin admits researchers experimented on mentally handicapped, orphans and babies of mothers in prison new
20241107 08:40:25
FDA commissioner promoted off-label COVID-19 vaccine use despite ban new
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Book banning, cover-ups and censorship: Understanding the “AIDS” crisis new
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President-elect Donald Trump to consider banning certain vaccines if they are proven risky new
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Trump prepares to appoint top jobs after Harris vows to help transition new BBC News
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The view from countries where Trump's win really matters new BBC News
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2024 on track to be world's warmest year on record new BBC News
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America’s allies brace for brinkmanship, deals—and betrayal new Economist
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Democrats need to understand: Americans think they’re worse new Economist
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Live results: The race for the House of Representatives new Economist
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Warning as another case of ultra-deadly mpox strain hits Britain - patient is receiving specialist treatment in London hospital new Mail Online - Health
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Beauty parlour that left women 'disfigured' exposes concerning legal loophole that means ANYONE can perform surgery new Mail Online - Health
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Forget the Med diet: Researchers discover 'Green Mediterranean' plan can slash risk of dementia and 'slow brain ageing' new Mail Online - Health
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Scottish senior doctors accept an 11 per cent salary bump - after patient satisfaction plummets to a 25 year low new Mail Online - Health
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New images of Jeremy Clarkson that reveal key physical sign that his heart could STILL be at risk new Mail Online - Health
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Doctor warns if you sleep in a specific position, it could mean you have an undiagnosed deadly health problem new Mail Online - Health
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Pictured: Sir Chris Hoy undergoes life-saving chemotherapy for deadly prostate cancer while wearing freezing cold cap to protect his hair new Mail Online - Health
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