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South Korea's president 'very sorry' as impeachment vote looms new BBC News
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A love letter to attiéké, Ivory Coast's timeless culinary treasure new BBC News
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Comeback of 1990s Indian crime drama evokes nostalgia new BBC News
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The true story behind the 'bison skull mountain' photo new BBC News
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NT paramedics fear 'failing their patients' due to poor governance new Health - ABC news
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The five key takeaways from final days of Sydney's drug summit new Health - ABC news
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Traditional Thai medicine hailed as wonder drug in US comes with risks new Health - ABC news
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Nicola's brain 'exploded' just before her 18th birthday new Health - ABC news
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USDA orders testing of milk supply for presence of bird flu virus new medicalXpress
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Broadly effective vaccine design offers new hope in the fight against hepatitis C new medicalXpress
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Researchers discover 'crosstalk' mechanism in two key breast cancer molecules new medicalXpress
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What social rejection teaches your brain new medicalXpress
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Brain mapping technique reveals insights into brain's higher functions new medicalXpress
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New insights into Niemann-Pick type C: A form of childhood dementia new medicalXpress
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Doppler ultrasound reveals vitamin C can boost placental health in smokers new medicalXpress
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Exploring how our first language is echoed in our genes new medicalXpress
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Cohort study shows cannabis use increases risk of psychosis independently from genetic predisposition new medicalXpress
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Molecular 'ZIP code' draws killer T cells to brain tumors new medicalXpress
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MRI could be key to understanding the impact a gluten free diet has on people with celiac disease new medicalXpress
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