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Umiami Announces Strategic Rebrand to SWAP as It Pursues International Expansion new Vegconomist - the vegan business magazine
20241015 13:20:09
Compound found in cantaloupe combats metabolic syndrome and polycystic ovary syndrome new NaturalHealth365
20241015 13:10:19
Jay Slater mystery breakthrough? TV detective claims he finally knows the REAL reason why teenager left Tenerife Airbnb hours before his death after ... new MailOnline - News
20241015 13:00:21
Man United AXE Sir Alex Ferguson's £2.16MILLION ambassador contract as part of a cost cutting drive new MailOnline - News
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Simple tweak to cancer treatment cuts death risk by 'remarkable' 40 per cent - so experts call for NHS roll out new MailOnline - News
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I took the £3 'Ozempic for drinking' pill and finally quit booze - but you have to use a specific method new MailOnline - News
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Miracle survival of 'whale watcher' found after 67 DAYS adrift at sea as he is spotted by fishermen on inflatable boat... beside dead ... new MailOnline - News
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RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: How can we trust a Chancellor who doesn't even fill in her own tax return? new MailOnline - News
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Boyfriend of Finland's first ever openly gay ice hockey player confesses to killing lover 37 years his junior 'using a hunting gun' new MailOnline - News
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Arsenal boss Jonas Eidevall RESIGNS after difficult start to the season, amid fan protests - as Swedish coach brings to an end three-year ... new MailOnline - News
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Fury as EU demands UK provides British troops for its peacekeeping missions as part of Keir Starmer's big Brexit 'reset' new MailOnline - News
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Southport stabbings misinformation was stoked abroad as research suggests 70% of most prominent extremist and conspiracist posts were not from the UK new MailOnline - News
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Heartbroken father whose daughter died when faulty ottoman bed collapsed on top of her also lost his son, 16, in fatal motorbike accident ... new MailOnline - News
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Europa Clipper is one of two missions on their way to see if Jupiter’s moons could support life new Popular Science
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Seven new frog species named for their ‘Star Trek’-esque calls new Popular Science
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India calls expulsions of diplomats from Canada ‘preposterous imputations’ driven by Trudeau’s agenda new The Globe and Mail
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Who is Lawrence Bishnoi, the man at centre of row between India and Canada? new The Globe and Mail
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Live updates: Canada’s inflation rate hit 1.6% in September new The Globe and Mail
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Lebanon contemplates a possible Hezbollah-free future as Israel pounds the Iran-backed guerrilla force new The Globe and Mail
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Israeli strikes kill at least 50 Palestinians in Gaza, tanks deepen raid in the north new The Globe and Mail
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Advocates fear Alberta’s opt-in bill for sex education will limit important lessons on health and consent new The Globe and Mail
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How to navigate the online fitness world, according to a personal trainer new The Globe and Mail
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Reformer Pilates is super trendy right now – here’s why new The Globe and Mail
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Kamala Harris could join Joe Rogan podcast in hunt for male votes, sources say new The Globe and Mail
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Ontario taxpayers fork over $4.3-million to settle legal costs in Bill 124 cases new The Globe and Mail
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