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Princess Kate shares rare moment of reflection on her cancer treatment new NBC News
20241207 03:30:12
South Korean president apologizes for declaring martial law as he faces impeachment vote new NBC News
20241207 03:30:12
For South Koreans, martial law declaration brought back painful memories new NBC News
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Indian American family attacked on bus says they'll move forward with pressing charges new NBC News
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After World Series win, Dodgers’ Dave Roberts makes emotional return to Japan new NBC News
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2 Indianapolis police officers acquitted in death of man who was restrained new NBC News
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Taylor Swift's Eras Tour about to end after dazzling fans worldwide new NBC News
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Atkinson hat-trick sends Black Caps reeling at Basin Reserve new 1 News Now
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Refreshed Consumer NZ data includes prices, SPF claims, water resistance claims, ingredients, and where the sunscreen was made. new 1 News Now
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Heavy rain, gales for much of south, lower north from tomorrow new 1 News Now
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11yo boy arrested for throwing rocks at elderly man in Auckland new 1 News Now
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US court upholds $1.6 billion Sandy Hook verdict against Alex Jones new 1 News Now
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Israel PM blames Australian government for synagogue attack new 1 News Now
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Summer outlook: Grab the sunscreen, but keep raincoat handy new 1 News Now
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S Korea president apologises for martial law declaration new BBC News
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'Are we about to repeat history?': Martial law's traumatic legacy in South Korea new BBC News
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Killing of insurance CEO reveals simmering anger at US health system new BBC News
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'I don't know how we'll survive': War-damaged Lebanese businesses face the unknown new BBC News
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The island with 20 people and one million birds new BBC News
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Embattled Macron seeks boost from Notre Dame reopening new BBC News
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New president awaits Ghana as election day arrives new BBC News
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Is a vegan diet healthier than eating meat and dairy? new BBC News
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Sashiko: The 400-year-old Japanese upcycling method new BBC News
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An exclusive peek in the world of Spiritualism new BBC News
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Why do we value gold so much? new BBC News
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