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Raw milk from US dairies must now be tested for bird flu new LIVESCIENCE - Health
20241207 04:40:05
NYC’s new top cop is a technology enthusiast with 2 weeks on the job. Now Jessica Tisch’s NYPD hunts for the killer of ... new CNN
20241207 04:40:07
Retired NYPD captain describes ‘unique weapon’ that may have been used in CEO shooting new CNN
20241207 04:40:07
Trump detracts doubts and allegations against Hegseth new CNN
20241207 04:40:07
Syrian rebels claim to take control of Daraa, birthplace of the 2011 uprising, inching closer to Damascus new CNN
20241207 04:40:07
Vietnamese tycoon in a race to repay $9 billion to avoid execution new CNN
20241207 04:40:07
South Korea’s President Yoon apologizes after martial law uproar new CNN
20241207 04:40:07
A stowaway on a flight to Paris was released from US federal custody – with many conditions new CNN
20241207 04:40:07
Video of military police officer throwing man off bridge sparks anger in Brazil new CNN
20241207 04:40:07
Reporter shares No. 1 fan theory about what Taylor Swift may reveal as Eras Tour ends new CNN
20241207 04:40:07
A young American girl sent a letter to a random address across the world. It turned into a lifelong friendship new CNN
20241207 04:40:07
Why overlooked grasslands are key to the Earth’s future new CNN
20241207 04:40:07
Exactly as we warned would happen, China just banned exports of critical minerals in response to Trump’s threat of punitive tariffs targeting BRICS ... new Natural News
20241207 04:40:07
Australian Senate passes first-ever law prohibiting children 16 and under from using social media new Natural News
20241207 04:40:07
Trump’s incoming FCC chairman vows to dismantle “censorship cartel” of Big Tech companies new Natural News
20241207 04:40:07
Australia under scrutiny for passing law banning social media for kids under 16 (which will require ID verification for everyone) new Natural News
20241207 04:40:07
A lot of federal government employees better RUN and hide: 18 U.S.C. §241 new Natural News
20241207 04:40:07
Rand Paul calls for the abolition of CISA, criticizing agency’s role in online censorship and suppression of free speech new Natural News
20241207 04:40:07
BE AFRAID: Vaccine hawk Peter Hotez says MULTIPLE new “viruses” to be unleashed day after Trump takes office new Natural News
20241207 04:40:07
U.S. healthcare system wastes 25 cents for every $1 spent – can Team Trump fix it? new Natural News
20241207 04:40:07
HALF of all U.S. states going BANKRUPT, financial report finds new Natural News
20241207 04:40:07
NASA only provided a 7-hour warning before asteroid collided with Earth new Natural News
20241207 04:40:07
Trump lawyers file motion to DISMISS president-elect’s hush money case in NYC new Natural News
20241207 04:40:07
Biden may grant PREEMPTIVE PARDONS to people who could be investigated and indicted under Trump new Natural News
20241207 04:40:07
DNC official: Obama and Pelosi DID NOT WANT Kamala Harris as Dem nominee new Natural News
20241207 04:40:07
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20241207 04:40:05
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