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Dover Street Market partners with Parley for the Oceans to launch new brand new Fashion Network USA
20250206 22:00:03
L'Oreal misses fourth-quarter expectations with 2.5% rise in sales new Fashion Network USA
20250206 22:00:03
Puma curbs flow of sneakers from China to US as tariffs kick in new Fashion Network USA
20250206 22:00:03
L'Oréal Groupe veteran Carol Hamilton to retire new Fashion Network USA
20250206 22:00:03
Haider Ackermann to debut Tom Ford collection in Paris Fashion Week in March new Fashion Network USA
20250206 22:00:03
Under Armour gets a lift from CEO Plank's full price focus, North America recovery new Fashion Network USA
20250206 22:00:03
Mary Kay names new chief brand and scientific officer new Fashion Network USA
20250206 22:00:03
Can a Fashion Brand Still Resist in 2025? new Elle
20250206 21:00:14
Barclays predicts uncertainty for Gucci after De Sarno’s exit new Fashion Network USA
20250206 16:00:02
Bank of England cuts rates again, sterling falls new Fashion Network USA
20250206 16:00:02
Tapestry raises annual sales forecast on steady demand for popular handbags new Fashion Network USA
20250206 16:00:02
Castore expands link with GXO for logistics operations support as it gears up to grow in US new Fashion Network USA
20250206 16:00:02
Under Armour lifts annual profit forecast new Fashion Network USA
20250206 16:00:02
As designer merry-go-round continues, Sabato De Sarno exits Gucci new Fashion Network USA
20250206 16:00:02
Dr Martens launches Buzz line inspired by 1990s archive new Fashion Network USA
20250206 16:00:02
Canada Goose trims annual profit forecast on dipping China demand new Fashion Network USA
20250206 16:00:02
Trump's de minimis cancellation is bad news for Temu, but worse for Shein new Fashion Network USA
20250206 16:00:02
Milan Fashion Week announces raft of new names and comebacks new Fashion Network USA
20250206 16:00:02
Ralph Lauren raises annual revenue forecast on strong apparel demand new Fashion Network USA
20250206 16:00:02
Luxury logistics group Ferrari aims for 822 million euro valuation in Amsterdam listing new Fashion Network USA
20250206 16:00:02
Anitta Is Ready to Show Her True Self—and Have a Girls’ Day with Shakira new Elle
20250206 14:40:11
Nordstrom’s Autumne West on Her Inbox Tricks new Elle
20250206 14:40:11
Watches of Switzerland hails good Q3 in UK and US new Fashion Network USA
20250206 08:00:02
Warpaint London has good year, 2025 starts strongly new Fashion Network USA
20250206 08:00:02
Columbia Sportswear reports 2024 sales dip despite strong Q4 new Fashion Network USA
20250206 03:50:25
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