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LA utility says equipment may have sparked small blaze during firestorms new 1 News Now
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Tīeke return to South Island mainland to help rebuild population new 1 News Now
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Community 'devastated' after fire rips through Roxburgh Town Hall new 1 News Now
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How to cook the 'perfect' boiled egg, according to science new 1 News Now
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Two killed in separate incidents on Auckland motorways new 1 News Now
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Telescopes spy monster radio jet streaming from early object in the universe new 1 News Now
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John Campbell: Waitangi in the age of the Treaty Principles Bill new 1 News Now
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AI, scientists unite to decipher old scrolls charred by Mt Vesuvius new 1 News Now
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Musk uses X, White House role to push Trump priorities, intimidate detractors new 1 News Now
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Wallabies mentor Schmidt to step down after Rugby Championship new 1 News Now
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Federal workers debate legitimacy of Trump buyout offer new 1 News Now
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Rare vessel sinks en route to famed boat festival in Australia new 1 News Now
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Tūpuna inspire 1.65 tonnes of Parihaka potatoes for Te Matatini new 1 News Now
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Harbourmaster team upskills after Aratere ferry grounding new 1 News Now
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'Why here?' Canterbury residents oppose solar farm near their homes new 1 News Now
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New Zealand celebrates Waitangi Day with haka, hīkoi and reflection new 1 News Now
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'Safe, effective, affordable': New Health Minister backs fluoridation new 1 News Now
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Generals Business & finance Science & nature Psychology & humanities Life, fashion & sports global Health & live science || Recommended articles
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