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This Surprising (And Underconsumed) Nutrient Helps Prevent Falls & Fractures new MindBodyGreen
20241221 17:10:03
France adds first nuclear reactor in 25 years to grid new VOA News - Science & Health
20241221 17:10:04
Death toll from German Christmas market attack rises as more than 200 injured new World - 9News
20241221 17:10:23
French court convicts eight people of involvement in 2020 beheading of teacher new World - 9News
20241221 17:10:23
US government funding bill clears congress, averting a shutdown new World - 9News
20241221 17:10:23
Silver amulet discovered in Germany could rewrite Christian history in Europe new World - 9News
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US man receives maximum sentence for killing two teenage girls new World - 9News
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A farce before Christmas could send US government into a Trump-Musk shutdown new World - 9News
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Malaysia agrees to resume 'no find, no fee' hunt for flight MH370 new World - 9News
20241221 17:10:23
New clues hint at why Stonehenge was rebuilt thousands of years ago new World - 9News
20241221 17:10:23
Patchwork of rules, laws has made US drone mystery tougher to solve new World - 9News
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Not separating your waste? You could be named and shamed in this Japanese city new World - 9News
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Israel accused of genocide by 'deliberately' restricting water in Gaza new World - 9News
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'President Musk': Elon flexes political muscle as influence trends on X new World - 9News
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At least 50 killed after multiple highway crashes in Afghanistan new World - 9News
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Man who killed girl in US says his execution 'needlessly cruel' new World - 9News
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Kate and William's heartwarming Christmas card revealed new World - 9News
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World's worst serial killer left clues. He was never caught new World - 9News
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Charges laid over scooter bombing that killed Russian general new World - 9News
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Potential death penalty for accused CEO killer new World - 9News
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US school shooter was in contact with man accused of plotting another attack new World - 9News
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'Let them select a target': Putin's chilling warning shot over missile strike new World - 9News
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Gisèle Pelicot's ex-husband sentenced to 20 years in prison for rapes new World - 9News
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'Do not travel': Every country Aussie authorities don't want you to go new World - 9News
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Google Maps car snaps vital clue in murder case new World - 9News
20241221 17:10:23
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