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Trump taps ‘Apprentice’ producer, Mark Burnett, as special envoy to the United Kingdom new The Globe and Mail
20241222 02:20:21
The Globe and Mail’s 2024 giant holiday crossword puzzle new The Globe and Mail
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These are the Christmas songs Globe readers wish had been included in our holiday bracket new The Globe and Mail
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Recycling won’t solve our planet-killing plastic-pollution problem new The Globe and Mail
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Behind the Story: Investigating lapses in Canada’s food safety system new The Globe and Mail
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Holiday recipe roundup: Cookies, appetizers, cocktails and more new The Globe and Mail
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Guyana protests as Venezuela completes a bridge in disputed Essequibo border region new The Globe and Mail
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As winter arrives, learn the art of falling properly new The Globe and Mail
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The Chrystia Freeland legacy: Big-ticket ambitions, limited results new The Globe and Mail
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Holiday cookie of the week: Chewy-gooey chocolate chunk cookies new The Globe and Mail
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Oysters distributed in B.C., Alberta, Ontario recalled for possible norovirus contamination new The Globe and Mail
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My mother, The Manners Lady, taught me that the rules of etiquette were sometimes meant to be broken new The Globe and Mail
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Free time: What to watch, listen to and download this week new The Globe and Mail
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Lara Trump withdraws from consideration to replace Marco Rubio in U.S. Senate new The Globe and Mail
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Calgary Flames stay tough at Saddledome, hold off Chicago Blackhawks 6-4 new The Globe and Mail
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It’s a nine-letter word for ‘comforting holiday tradition’ new The Globe and Mail
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The real town behind Hallmark’s Christmas movies new The Globe and Mail
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Biden signs bill that averts government shutdown and brings a close to days of Washington upheaval new The Globe and Mail
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Trudeau appoints a cabinet of caretakers for his government’s dying days new The Globe and Mail
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Two killed, one injured in Metro Vancouver vehicle crash new The Globe and Mail
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At Montreal’s Ma Chambre, residents at risk of homelessness receive a room of one’s own new The Globe and Mail
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Buy it, love it: 21 items that changed our lives in 2024 new The Globe and Mail
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Germans mourn the 5 killed and 200 injured in the apparent attack on a Christmas market new The Globe and Mail
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Syria’s new rulers name foreign minister amid push for international relations new The Globe and Mail
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All-time stolen base leader Rickey Henderson dies at 65 new The Globe and Mail
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