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Five ways to make next year financially better than this one new 1 News Now
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Mystery drone sightings continue in US - here's what we know new 1 News Now
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Do EVs still stack up after a tough year? new 1 News Now
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Germans mourn attack on Christmas market with no answers why new 1 News Now
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Phoenix trounce champions Sydney to stretch Women's A-League run new 1 News Now
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'A gap in the system': Whanganui wrestles with homeless camp new 1 News Now
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Five ways to make next year financially better than this one new 1 News Now
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'Purity' or 'harm and control'? Inside the Shincheonji church new 1 News Now
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Blind athlete Mike Asmussen running on as cancer chases him new 1 News Now
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Auckland's dream A-League start shattered by loss to Western United new 1 News Now
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One dead in crash on SH1 near Horeke in Northland new 1 News Now
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Toddler one of two killed, as car ploughs into German market new 1 News Now
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