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From peanut farming to the presidency: Photographing Jimmy Carter in the summer of 1976 new The Globe and Mail
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Thinking of working out at home? Here are 10 items to buy for all fitness levels and spaces new The Globe and Mail
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Iran confirms arrest of Italian journalist Cecilia Sala new The Globe and Mail
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Canadian striker Jonathan David says he’s considering new contract offer from Lille new The Globe and Mail
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A blueprint for a better UN Security Council new The Globe and Mail
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Top nutrition lessons from 2024 and some takeaways for 2025 new The Globe and Mail
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Two deaths on Sunday night in northwest Calgary likely targeted, domestic, police say new The Globe and Mail
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UBS CEO Sergio Ermotti warns against excessive banking regulation ahead of overhaul new The Globe and Mail
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The homelessness epidemic is a health crisis, but also an economic one new The Globe and Mail
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Canada’s backlog of asylum claims could climb higher when Trump returns to White House, experts say new The Globe and Mail
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Adani group to exit consumer goods joint venture with Singapore’s Wilmar in US$2-billion deal new The Globe and Mail
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Linda Lavin, Tony-winning Broadway actor who starred in the sitcom Alice, dies at 87 new The Globe and Mail
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Small firms are being unfairly shut out of the federal home-building program new The Globe and Mail
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The Top 10 most-talked-about TV moments of 2024 new The Globe and Mail
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Russia fails to persuade Saudi Arabia and Turkey to join BRICS new The Globe and Mail
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Quebec needs people to run for local office. The problem is they keep resigning new The Globe and Mail
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Moldova’s separatist region cuts gas as Ukraine transit deal runs out new The Globe and Mail
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Photojournalism shines the light of reality in the age of AI new The Globe and Mail
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Former diplomat alleges Canadian Forces were involved in disappearances of hundreds of Afghan detainees in Kandahar new The Globe and Mail
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Police called to Surrey, B.C., pub after ‘large fight’ and shooting new The Globe and Mail
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Active learning has three building blocks that could be crucial to your success new The Globe and Mail
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Raptors-Knicks trade a year ago reshaped both teams, but who won the trade? new The Globe and Mail
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We are looking for a pleasure craft. What manual, sports car with space for kids do you recommend? new The Globe and Mail
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Frozen out and under constant watch, Canada’s ambassador to Russia sees echoes of Cold War new The Globe and Mail
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Monday’s Insider Report: Big paydays for CP Rail executives new The Globe and Mail
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