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Brazilian study reveals new pathways for preventing atrial fibrillation new News Medical
20250206 18:40:13
Granzyme K identified as key trigger of complement system in autoimmune diseases new News Medical
20250206 18:40:13
One gram of omega-3 per day may slow down the rate of biological aging new News Medical
20250206 18:40:13
Norovirus hotspots: Map reveals where in the UK you're most likely to get vomiting bug, as hospitals battle record high cases new Mail Online - Health
20250206 18:30:13
I thought my bigger belly was middle-aged spread - before I was diagnosed with a rare cancer. The treatment almost destroyed me... these ... new Mail Online - Health
20250206 18:30:13
'This video could save your life': Medic reveals what to do if you choke and no one is around to help new Mail Online - Health
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Top criminologist reveals the most common reason why men in Britain kill new Mail Online - Health
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Nail salons using 'lethal' tool that can cause agonising skin problem - woman claims it RUINED her feet new Mail Online - Health
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Fears of new 'super virus' in Nevada as researchers detect worrying pathogen new Mail Online - Health
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Scientists have uncovered a simple way to banish grey hairs new Mail Online - Health
20250206 18:30:13
Warning over popular makeup item after eight year-old left with agonising burn from mum's kiss new Mail Online - Health
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Constipated? Experts say you could be sleeping in the wrong position - here's how to fix it new Mail Online - Health
20250206 18:30:13
'Do not eat' warning issued for popular Birds Eye food over deadly allergy risk new Mail Online - Health
20250206 18:30:13
'Woke' jobs in NHS hospitals at £123,000-a-year despite Ministers' vowing to crack down on 'out of control' diversity drives new Mail Online - Health
20250206 18:30:13
Alert over safety of CBD oil - potential risk of 'under-developed' babies born to pregnant women who use it new Mail Online - Health
20250206 18:30:13
Curse of a big penis: Very well endowed men suffer 'self-esteem issues' due to a specific relationship problem, expert warns new Mail Online - Health
20250206 18:30:13
Pictured: Faces of the women with deadly cancer 'caused by talc' - as victims launch bid to sue Baby Powder maker Johnson & ... new Mail Online - Health
20250206 18:30:13
Terminally ill patient is 'cured' of immune illness after AI identifies drug for 'repurposing' new Mail Online - Health
20250206 18:30:13
Coffee may reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes, study reveals - but only if you don't add this one thing to your ... new Mail Online - Health
20250206 18:30:13
Weight-loss jabs destroyed my face and gave me saggy batwings and thighs like ruched curtains. But I've found a radical solution - and ... new Mail Online - Health
20250206 18:30:13
The doctor won't see you now: Just under half of standard medical appointments are now with a GP - as patients increasingly 'fobbed ... new Mail Online - Health
20250206 18:30:13
Women who've had designer vaginas reveal what it's really like - from sex to the surgery itself new Mail Online - Health
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Millennial women are horrified to discover little-known menopause symptom that can ruin sex lives new Mail Online - Health
20250206 18:30:13
Revealed: The figure on your fitness tracker that could predict if you'll get dementia, study suggests new Mail Online - Health
20250206 18:30:13
Hygiene mistake that MOST of us make is triggering life-ruining tinnitus, expert warns new Mail Online - Health
20250206 18:30:13
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