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GP accused 53-year-old man of 'faking' symptoms - in fact he had the deadliest brain cancer and it killed him new Mail Online - Health
20250206 22:10:06
Teenager blighted by 40 different allergies - including WATER - reveals her terrifying daily life on a knife's edge new Mail Online - Health
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Experts reveal the worst time to eat lunch if you're watching your weight new Mail Online - Health
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'Good' cholesterol isn't so good after all: Scientists find the fat may raise risk of life-changing condition new Mail Online - Health
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'Barely there' change to man's toenail that was sign of deadliest skin cancer new Mail Online - Health
20250206 22:10:06
FDA Approves Wearable Infusion Device for Advanced Parkinson Disease new HealthDay
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Is U.S. Prepared for Bird Flu’s Spread in Humans? One Expert Has Concerns new HealthDay
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Bird Flu Is Spreading. Is the U.S. Prepared? A HealthDay Interview with Dr. Peter Chin-Hong of UCSF new HealthDay
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Wildfire-Linked ED Encounters Increased Eightfold With Onset of LA Wildfires new HealthDay
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Immunogenic Cancer Vaccine Targets Key Mutations in Kidney Cancer new HealthDay
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Weight Gain Common in Young Women After Breast Reduction Surgery new HealthDay
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Seafood samples contain high levels of microplastics in US state, say researchers new Fox News - Health
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The secret reasons for 'Zoom fatigue' among American workers new Fox News - Health
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A step towards personalized immunotherapy: MIRO device replicates tumors, environments and interactions new medicalXpress
20250206 21:50:04
Neural waves study provides evidence that brain's rhythmic patterns play key role in information processing new medicalXpress
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A new way to detect inflammation using antibodies developed new medicalXpress
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Electroencephalography may help guide treatments for language disorders new medicalXpress
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Scientists discover brain mechanism that helps overcome fear new medicalXpress
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Chronic inflammation's connection to atrial fibrillation points to IL-1β as a promising treatment target new medicalXpress
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Newly discovered mechanism regulates microglial characteristics in early brain development new medicalXpress
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The power of babble: Babies elicit simpler speech from adults new medicalXpress
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Improved brain decoder holds promise for communication in people with aphasia new medicalXpress
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AI accelerates search for new tuberculosis drug targets new medicalXpress
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Why some heavy drinkers develop advanced liver disease, while others do not new medicalXpress
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Intestinal worms could hold key to treating inflammatory bowel disease new medicalXpress
20250206 21:50:04
Health & medicine Life science
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