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How much are Super Bowl 2025 tickets? Average, cheapest, priciest seats new CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
20250206 14:30:15
Cocaine 'no worse than whiskey,' Colombia's president says new CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
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One of Europe's most-wanted fugitives spotted at religious service new CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
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UK scientist wins prize for invention that could help avert ‘phosphogeddon’ new Guardian - Science
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To get his vote, Senator Bill Cassidy demands Kennedy obey the CDC’s vaccine orthodoxy new Natural News
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Trump promises military aid for Ukraine, as long as Ukraine shares rare Earth minerals new Natural News
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Bondi takes the reins: New attorney general orders pause on sanctuary city funding new Natural News
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Could Trump deploy U.S. military against Mexican cartels? Experts say it’s possible, but risky new Natural News
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ELITIST HYPOCRISY: Texas Dem chair smears private school parents, hides his own choices new Natural News
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Shameful denial: Cincinnati Children’s Hospital refuses lifesaving heart transplant to unvaccinated girl new Natural News
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Hunting on a budget: How to bag your first deer without breaking the bank new Natural News
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Elon Musk’s call to AUDIT the IRS sparks debate over government oversight and efficiency new Natural News
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The weary warriors: Ukrainian military plagued by MASS DESERTIONS as war’s third year approaches new Natural News
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The star of wellness: Exploring the nutritional power of carambola (starfruit) new Natural News
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The Left-wing Episcopal church embarrasses itself—again new Natural News
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Shocking analysis: The true US national debt EXCEEDS $158 trillion, not $36 trillion new Natural News
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Taxpayer dollars fueled Politico, NY Times as outlets pushed liberal narratives, records show new Natural News
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Tony Blair pushes for Digital ID system in UK to combat populism, quash dissent and assert control over populations new Natural News
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Green energy’s flammable reality: Blue states discover lithium battery storage risks new Natural News
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Remembering Dr. Francis Boyle’s call for immediate ceasefire and humanitarian intervention to prevent Israel’s “Nazi war crimes” new Natural News
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Military deportation flights to Guatemala cost way more than a first class ticket new Natural News
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Health Ranger Report: Exploring biblical foods and herbs for HEALING new Natural News
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Which Senators are owned by Big Pharma? RFK Jr.’s confirmation hearings are showing us new Natural News
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Why regulating AI is so hard—and necessary new Popular Science
20250206 13:40:07
Last month was the hottest January on RECORD - with global average temperatures hitting 13.23°C new MailOnline - Science
20250206 13:30:12
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