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Founder of Revolver News, Darren J. Beattie, appointed to top State Department role new Natural News
20250205 23:50:07
VP Vance: Biden admin knew where violent migrants were, yet DID NOTHING to protect Americans new Natural News
20250205 23:50:07
Trump White House welcomes podcasters and influencers to press briefings as trust in MSM declines new Natural News
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It’s time to purge the climate scam from the federal websites new Natural News
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Trump’s tariff threat on Taiwan’s semiconductors sends shockwaves through global tech industry new Natural News
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Trump’s controversial Gaza proposal spurs global outrage new Natural News
20250205 23:50:07
RFK Jr. clears Senate finance committee in narrow vote, faces full Senate confirmation for HHS role new Natural News
20250205 23:50:07
The “aha moment” in AI: DeepSeek R1’s breakthrough and what it means for the future of artificial intelligence new Natural News
20250205 23:50:07
China prepares to resume trade talks with Trump amid tariff pressures new Natural News
20250205 23:50:07
Trump’s 100-day plan to end the Ukraine war: A path to peace or a desperate gamble? new Natural News
20250205 23:50:07
MacGregor warns of economic and military decline, advocates for new national strategy new Natural News
20250205 23:50:07
Purging the Deep State: Trump and Musk take axe to bloated bureaucracy new Natural News
20250205 23:50:07
Trump’s tariff threats yield major border security concessions from Canada new Natural News
20250205 23:50:07
A cancer that is one of the core epicenters of evil in the U.S. government is being ripped to shreds new Natural News
20250205 23:50:07
REVEALED: What Trump's Gaza takeover would look like as he vows to build 'the Riviera of the Middle East' new MailOnline - Science
20250205 22:50:19
NASA video captures first look at 'city-destroying' asteroid that could hit Earth new MailOnline - Science
20250205 22:50:19
19 states told to brace for dangerous ice storm that will cause power outages and 'treacherous conditions' new MailOnline - Science
20250205 22:50:19
Arctic sea ice is at its second lowest level on RECORD - missing an area 60 times the six of Wales, scientists warn ... new MailOnline - Science
20250205 22:50:19
AI is growing exponentially. So too are its demands on energy new Science - ABC News
20250205 22:40:24
The first kangaroo embryo has been produced through IVF new Science - ABC News
20250205 22:40:24
Endangered turtles break nesting record at famous beach new Science - ABC News
20250205 22:40:24
An analysis of Putricia confirms just how much the flower smells like death new Science - ABC News
20250205 22:40:24
Bushfire burns within metres of grove with trees up to 3,000 years old new Science - ABC News
20250205 22:40:24
Building Data Integrity for Scientific Research and Manufacturing new The Scientist
20250205 22:00:28
From Water Bears to Grizzly Bears: Unusual Animal Models new The Scientist
20250205 22:00:28
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