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What Kevin Rudd's anti-Trump tweets mean for Australia's relations with US new 9News
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NRL great Wendell Sailor charged over alleged bar assault new 9News
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Driver dies after car struck by item that fell from truck on major Melbourne freeway new 9News
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'Heartless' bikies caught on CCTV ransacking Sydney charity shop new 9News
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Beloved Adelaide pandas prepare to depart for China new 9News
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Australia's first proton therapy cancer treatment facility in disarray new 9News
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Expectant mums uneasy as Central Coast set to lose only private maternity ward new 9News
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Calls for funding for tests that prevent life-threatening reactions to medicines new 9News
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Nick Reece holds onto City of Melbourne lord mayor title after election win new 9News
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Major crime investigation after 72-year-old's body found in house fire new 9News
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Aussie brand making customers match gift card spending with their own cash new 9News
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Beauty parlour that left women 'disfigured' exposes concerning legal loophole that means ANYONE can perform surgery new Mail Online - Health
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Forget the Med diet: Researchers discover 'Green Mediterranean' plan can slash risk of dementia and 'slow brain ageing' new Mail Online - Health
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Scottish senior doctors accept an 11 per cent salary bump - after patient satisfaction plummets to a 25 year low new Mail Online - Health
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New images of Jeremy Clarkson that reveal key physical sign that his heart could STILL be at risk new Mail Online - Health
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Doctor warns if you sleep in a specific position, it could mean you have an undiagnosed deadly health problem new Mail Online - Health
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Pictured: Sir Chris Hoy undergoes life-saving chemotherapy for deadly prostate cancer while wearing freezing cold cap to protect his hair new Mail Online - Health
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New concerns about trendy kitchen worktops - as 48-year-old man reveals he's DYING after being exposed to toxic material new Mail Online - Health
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Global cancer explosion: Experts discover nations where you're most likely to die of the disease new Mail Online - Health
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Doctors reveal concerning reason behind Strictly star's alarming breathing pattern new Mail Online - Health
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