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Simone and Max Rocha publish books on fashion and cooking new Fashion Network USA
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EFA issues fashion industry manifesto in Brussels new Fashion Network USA
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Christmas tree syndrome, also called Christmas tree allergy, can lead to symptoms of seasonal allergies, including sneezing, coughing, wheezing, and even skin rashes. ... new Everyday Health
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Expert points to 6 key data points police are using new Fox News
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Manslaughter charge against Daniel Penny dismissed as jury breaks for the weekend new Fox News
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Lawmaker seeks to award Daniel Penny with Congressional Gold Medal new Fox News
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Phil Mickelson praises Daniel Penny for 'protecting' subway passengers new Fox News
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Democrats leveled accusation against UnitedHealthcare in report weeks before CEO killed new Fox News
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James Carville calls Biden ‘most tragic figure in American politics in my lifetime’ new Fox News
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McDonald’s will bring back beloved menu item after nearly eight years new Fox News
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House Dems ignore demands to move toward center, elevate ‘radical’ with controversial past new Fox News
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Dozens of prominent veterans sign onto letter as Hegseth battles for confirmation new Fox News
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Violent Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua sets up shop in another red state new Fox News
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Pro wrestling legend makes debut and major impact on another company new Fox News
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Pop star surprises fans as rumors of cheating scandal swirl social media new Fox News
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NFL star’s mom makes demand after her son repeatedly fumbles the ball new Fox News
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White House grilled on whether Biden owes Americans an apology for pardon reversal new Fox News
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Biden-Harris admin makes first-ever environment-related arrest, warns it won’t be the last new Fox News
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How Trump plans to install longtime ally Kash Patel as FBI director new Fox News
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AOC officially seeks more powerful position in House ahead of second Trump term new Fox News
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14 awesome gifts for the teen on your holiday list new Fox News
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Rep. James Clyburn suggests democracy still at risk after last election new Fox News
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Ariana Grande gets emotional while addressing body shamers who criticize her appearance new Fox News
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FBI warns texts between Android and iPhone users pose cyber risk new Fox News
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State GOP leaders re-introduce bill to restrict trans athletes vs. girls new Fox News
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